LETTER: Asks if PSP has applied for a CRIZ loan

Re: CRIZ: View Guidelines below to confirm this huge tax payer rip off

Do you know if PSP has put in their CRIZ application? The only way I know to find out is by calling Randy Patterson.

They are going to sneak this through! According to the CRIZ by-laws, Board Members Daniel Bentancourt and Thomas Baldrige must recuse themselves as their spouses are employed by LNP – or will that be ignored?

EDITOR: Steady readers of NewsLanc are aware that Publisher Robert Field has not been able to get a meeting with Patterson over the past few years. Last time they came together in a public forum, Patterson ‘ran away.’ Perhaps some reader can ask Patterson and pass along the information.


1 Comment

  1. There will not be a meeting this month. According to the CRIZ Authority page:

    The June 23, 2015 scheduled meeting of the Lancaster CRIZ Authority Board has been cancelled. The next scheduled meeting of the Authority Board is set for July 28 beginning at 4:00 PM in the City Commission Meeting Room, Lancaster City Hall, 120 North Duke Street.


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