LETTER: Art Morris is WAY, WAY, WAY late to the party.

Re: “Convention Center’s future shrouded with mystery”

I would suggest a slight change to your commentary.

Dale High and LNP, savvy and experienced builders and operators, absolutely planned for FF&E replacement. The problem is they planned for that to be paid for by the broke LCCCA, and they are broke in large part due to the unbalanced agreements they signed at the advice of their counsel…the former counsel of PSP.

If I were PSP, I would demand that the LCCCA live up to the terms of the agreements that they signed. The real issue here is that they should not have been signed. Art Morris is WAY, WAY, WAY late to the party. He should have been calling for the LCCCA, which he ran, to be on the record years ago against the agreements his predecessors signed.

They are the problem.. The LCCCA should seek whatever type of bankruptcy/insolvency procedure they can to rid themselves of PSP.
