LETTER: An observation and prediction

“It appears that the School Lane Hills Homeowners Association leadership thinks that if it doesn’t oppose F&M on the rail yard issue that the Association will get what it wants: Wilson Drive not being opened up to Harrisburg pike through F&M’s Baker Field.

“F&M’s Keith Orris certainly knows this. He also knows that F&M can say that they have no plans to have Wilson Drive extended, because when they finalize their plans for Baker Field, Manheim Township will require it. (Orris could know right now what F&M plans to do with Baker Field, but doesn’t want to announce those plans until after the rail yard is relocated.)”

Editor’s note: It is now contended by the leadership of the School Lane Hills Home owners Association that its sole purpose is sharing information and discussion since its By Laws prevent it from being an advocacy organization.

This is news to many members who attended the 2008 annual meeting and had relied on the organization to represent their interests in negotiations with F&M concerning the railyard relocation.

Attendance at its July 13th annual meeting was about a third of last year’s. Leadership stipulated that what was said must not be reported since it is a private group.


1 Comment

  1. I see no value whatsoever in having an neighborhood association that will not make decisions and take actions that would benefit the neighborhood. If the School Lane Hills Homeowners Association is nothing more than a discussion group, it might as well disband and set up an online chat room.

    It will eventually need to disband anyway, due to lack of interest in participating in an organization that has no character, direction or purpose.

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