LETTER: A master stroke in history

President Barack Obama has just won a monumental victory for the USA and the civilized world, with a self motivated but valuable assist from Vladimir Putin, in causing Syria to sign onto the treaty against use of chemical and biological weapons, and had done so notwithstanding resistance and opposition from most of the American people and its elected representatives.

While this victory will not in and of itself result in a favorable resolution of the Syrian civil war it will prevent Assad and his backers Iran and Hezbollah from winning a decisive victory and placing substantial combat troops and a strong threat of terrorism on the borders of Israel, Jordan and Turkey. It will also serve to prevent the undermining of the U.S. red line against Iran’s acquisition of nuclear weapons and serve to hold in place Obama’s threat to prevent such acquisition by all available means.

As such it constitutes a master stroke in the history of American diplomatic history by achieving all of the U.S. principal objectives in the theater without the firing of a single shot or placing any U.S. Boots on the ground.


1 Comment

  1. Was this written by Michelle???????????

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