LETTER: A good move!

The Dec. 2 Intell editorial, ‘Blurred Vision’, on Lancaster Square presented the idea that the former Hess Department Store Building could be used as a new home for the North Museum of Natural History & Science. This location would place North Museum in close proximity to other museums, such as the Heritage Museum, Quilt Museum, Demuth House, Lancaster Art Museum, Hole in the Wall Puppet Theater and Museum, as well as the Academy of Music and Central Market. It would be directly across from Binn’s Park.

Even though North Museum is a non-profit, it would bring people downtown who would eat in nearby restaurants and shop in downtown stores. It certainly would bring families with young children into center city who do not ordinarily do so.

…An initiative for moving into the Hess building had been made several years ago, but several concerns involving ownership rights to the building surfaced and the proposal was tabled. I am hoping that these concerns can be resolved in order to make it possible for North Museum, that has been seeking a new home for several years, to relocate into the Hess building.

This move would not only give the Museum greater access and visibility, but would provide room to display more of its current collection and to expand.
