LETTER: “El Chap” Guzman’s escapes

Interesting that he’s a hero in Mexico, much as Pablo Escobar became in Colombia.

As I was watching the report on CNN, they were babbling about the cost of his elaborate escape tunnel.

Couldn’t they deduce that the enormous profits made available to an illiterate crime boss had been enabled by our dismally failing policy?

Isn’t the whole world’s dismally failing drug “war” a US policy from start to finish?

Where is the critical analysis we have a right to expect from the 4th Estate?


1 Comment

  1. ” Isn’t the whole world’s dismally failing drug “war” a US policy from start to finish?”

    It isn’t a dismally failing drug war if you’re a DEA agent, own a rehab center, or fence stolen goods. It’s your bread and butter!

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