Lehman campaign received $46,000 from special interests / out-of-towners

NewsLanc has reviewed the final official filings of contributions to the Craig Lehman and Molly Henderson commissioner campaigns and came up with many revelations:

Overall, NewsLanc calculates that the Lehman campaign raised $100,131.11 and the Henderson campaign raised $104,277.69.

Lehman raised $10,750 from Political Action Committees from outside the area. Henderson received nothing.

Lehman received $10,500 from Mayor Rick Gray’s campaign committee and $5,000 from Representative Mike Sturla’s campaign committee. Henderson received nothing.

Lehman received at least $9,600 from individuals directly or indirectly linked to the convention center project: S. Dale High – $5,500; C. Dale High – $2,000; Nevin Cooley – $500 and Beverly Steinman – $1,600.

Lehman raised $10,500 from individuals, some from lobby or financial firms, some likely from ‘friends’ and family. Henderson raised $3,350 from what appears to be ‘friends’ and family.

In total, Lehman raised $46,000 from lobbyists / special interests / and persons from outside the county. Henderson raised little if anything.

What Henderson did do was contribute $60,000 to her campaign. Lehman contributed $6,250.
