LCCCA cannot donate space for McCaskey graduation

The problem is, the Lancaster County Convention Center Authority literally has NO authority to give away space in its own convention center. Interstate Hotels and Resorts – the joint manager of the “integrated facility” (their description of both the hotel and convention center together) has total and complete control over the operations of the convention center.

Even if the LCCCA could give away space, it doesn’t have the money.  The bond sale agreement with Wachovia dictates that the LCCCA gets $42,500 a month from the hotel tax, but no more than that.  This amount must pay for all of the operational costs of the convention center authority, including salaries, office expenses, computer system and web site, insurance for the employees and the convention center, and all legal costs.  There is literally nothing left over for anything else.

Whoever wrote the agreements which so tightly bind the LCCCA really knew how to take advantage of taxpayer dollars so as to leave our appointed representatives for all intents and purposes powerless for all time.
