Lawmakers seek to push Harrisburg Mayor Linda Thompson aside

PATRIOT-NEWS:   Harrisburg Mayor Linda Thompson said she would have a seat at the decision-making table if the state were to take over the city.

She learned just before the state House approved an amendment to takeover legislation on Tuesday that wouldn’t be the case.

She would be a member of an advisory board that would have no ruling power pertaining to the city’s fiscal crisis under a takeover.

“I advocated for a stronger position,” Thompson said. “If a receiver appointed by the governor sells or leases city property without the active executive involvement of the mayor, it is a takeover, pure and simple.” …  (more)


1 Comment

  1. Harrisburg Mayor Linda Thompson can belly-ache all she wants to, but that does not mean she’ll have a seat at the grown-up table. A receiver is mandated to make the government work within guidelines and alter her decisions. If she was left at the table, don’t you think she would argue each point selected for amendment?

    Most of us are tired of your excuses. The time for talking is over, please sit down now Mayor Thompson, we’ll take it from here.

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