LancasterOnline subscription plan coming in May


LancasterOnline, the website of Lancaster Newspapers Inc., soon will ask its most frequent readers to pay a modest fee for continued, unlimited access to its news coverage.

Beginning in early May (an exact date has not been set), all visitors will be able to read up to 15 news articles per month for free. But to read more than 15 articles, newspaper subscribers will pay $2.95 a month or $19.95 a year. Online-only readers who do not have a newspaper subscription will pay $4.95 a month or $49.95 a year.

The home page, obituaries, advertising sections and blogs will remain entirely free…

Click here to read the full article.

EDITOR: Good.   We need an economically healthy and financially independent ‘Third Estate’  to inform us and protect our democracy.   Furthermore for those who for economic or ecological reasons are dispensing with the daily newspaper, this enables  them to obtain full coverage and at a substantial annual savings.

The Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, the Financial Times and others are gravitating in this direction.  We trust it is the wave of the future.
