Lancasteronline “search engine” apparently not worth a damn

It is very frustrating for us to try to locate any past article on Lancasteronline, even on the day of publication or the day afterwards.

LNP used to retain articles in chronological order almost indefinitely under News and also its search engine worked. But in recent months, we have found the search engine to be almost useless.

For example, we want to access the electronic version of the Sunday’s edition front page story “Shortage threatens economy” and it cannot be found. The same thing if we try “Housing Shortage threatens economy.” These are the headline words, housing being in smaller letters as a prologue.

Perhaps LNP doesn’t consider its articles worth keeping even though we do.


1 Comment

  1. “Always Lancaster” is hardly worth keeping at all, let alone to keep it ‘always”; which is why I (along with many others, I suspect) cancelled my subscription.

    My real guess would be that when LNP receives too many negative comments on any article, it gets pulled pretty darn quick. LNP’s Management and Editorial staffs are notoriously thin-skinned, and cannot take any level of criticism.

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