Columnist Gil Smart concludes in “War fever is finally subsiding”:

“But it has become glaringly obvious, even to many who have supported these wars, that this can’t continue. We don’t have the money. Too many lives already have been lost and disrupted. Are we really any safer? And why must we continue kicking hornets’ nests, just because we can?

“Twelve years of constant war will change a people. And if even conservatives now believe staying out is wiser than charging in, we’ve evolved completely.

“It’s about time.”

WATCHDOG: Just as it was a mistake to allow ‘W’ / Cheney to utilize popular sentiment as an excuse to invade Iraq and to indulge in “nation building” in Afghanistan, it would be a mistake to allow current revulsion due to their follies to cause us to withdraw from the Middle East picture.

We need to engage in sober evaluation based upon facts with input from a variety of real experts to help guide our future actions. ‘Isolationism’ can be as dangerous as ‘war mongering’. Let’s avoid both.
