In an editorial “Battle Over Books”, the editors opine:

“Let’s stipulate that the library system provides essential services to the 14 independent libraries that make up the system. Member libraries depend on the system for information technology, research databases, the bookmobile and new books, for instance.”

WATCHDOG: If we did so “stipulate,” we would miss the crux of the dispute.

A proposal is being bandied about that the ‘System’ offer its services for sale and the each library be allowed to either purchase such services as it needs, acquire the services from others (as was done in the past), or provide the services in house.
The larger libraries such as Manheim Township and the center city facility do not need a bloated ‘big brother’ that currently consumes much of the state and county funding. Moreover, it is outrageous that the ‘System’ is seeking to compete in fund raising.

As NewsLanc has researched and pointed out in the past on what others do: Either there should be a countywide library association running all of the libraries with the individual library boards becoming advisory; or the ‘System’ should simply provide limited services to the libraries, in which case let it live on fees from willing buyers. Capitalism anyone?

As it is, Lancaster has the worst of both approaches. This may come to an end when one (or more) of the larger libraries says “enough is enough” and withdraws its voluntary membership.
