In “Resisting the surveillance state”, columnist Gil Smart inquires:

“The future may be marked by diminishing prosperity for the many, while the few continue to rake it in. Without some sort of comprehensive redistributive scheme, we’re talking a country where the majority are significantly poorer.

“And angrier.

“How would the public react to this? And how would government react — government that possesses the tools to monitor and disrupt any challenge to its authority?”

WATCHDOG: There it is. The battle that may be destined to come as the very few become super rich and further separate themselves from the general population which may grow poorer. And how will this play out against a background of growing Chinese hegemony?

Interestingly, Smart references Paul Krugman who may in turn be influenced by Al Gore’s “The Future” and, if not, certainly by Gore’s sources.

Three wags of the tail for Gil Smart. Many of his columns are world class and almost alone worth the price of the Sunday News.

This one is second to none.
