An “In my opinion” piece by pollsters Terry Madonna and Michael young entitled “Death, taxes and Penn State” sets forth:

“….The [Jerry Sandusky] case is also a factor in incumbent Gov. Tom Corbett’s low job performance and is likely to be a factor in his re-election. Numerous polls have shown disapproval with then Attorney General Corbett’s handling of the Sandusky investigation. Corbett initially supported the controversial Freeh report and accepted the unpopular sanctions; subsequently, he reversed himself, suing the NCAA in a case now thrown out of federal court.

“The coach: Looming over mere politics is the gargantuan battle shaping up over Joe Paterno’s legacy and his treatment by Penn State. Ignominiously fired, repeatedly humiliated, relegated by some to the near status of a nonperson, restoring Paterno’s reputation is now a major cause for a powerful coalition of alumni, fans, former athletes and the Paterno family…

“Ultimately, the Penn State scandal, in all of its guises, is about us; our most cherished hopes, our deepest fears and our highest values. We care about it because it threatens those hopes, triggers those fears and attacks those values. That’s why it won’t go away soon or quietly.”

WATCHDOG: Three wags of the tail for this learned and important discussion. It merits being read in its entirety. We wish there were more columns of this quality and profundity.
