Three-quarters of the front page is devoted to articles “First of a three-part ‘inside story’ series on Lancaster County Criminal Court”:

Justice Delayed; The wheels turn slowly here as an inefficient system causes one of the worst backlogs of cases in the state” and One victim’s long ordeal”.

…“In fact, the county’s judges have agreed to make several changes to help streamline the system since the Sunday News began researching this series three months ago.”

WATCHDOG: This is Pulitizer Prize candidacy reporting and great credit is due Beverly R. Steinman, Chairman of the Board; Harold Miller, President; Marvin Adams, Editor for addressing the subject and to reporter Jack Brubaker for an exceptionally comprehensive and well written articles.

Note that the series has been three months in the research and writing.  This is investigatory reporting rather than the flavor of the day.   It subscribers have to pay an extra three dollars a month to read such articles on the Internet in addition to the cost of the print edition, it is well worth it.

The internet is returning competition to the print media.  Without the occasional in depth and courageous reporting, why subscribe when there are so many other free sources for 90% of the coverage.

Perhaps we are the last to note Ms Steinman’s assumption of the chair of Lancaster Newspapers, Inc.  Having  the name Steinman at the top of the masthead should assure  the integrity of reporting that Lancaster experienced over the families illustrious stewardship, apart from the regrettable Convention Center anomaly.

Three wags of the tail!   Now let’s hope that Brubaker will be assigned to investigate Lancaster General Health next.  Let’s see who gets there first.



  1. You don’t have a clue! You need to stop publishing now. Your ignorance is doing more harm than good.

  2. Great to see them willing to cover this.

    We have been pleading with Marv and Jack to expose what happens to men in family court.

    They have refused year after year and the children and fathers suffer for it.
    We already have the research and the story told – perhaps they will take this on next.

    Some might think the average man who enters the court system and is not a criminal would be important also.

    Daddy Justice

  3. LNP already controls the legislative “elite”, they are desperately trying to control the hotel/tourist industry, and now they want to control the judicial system.

    Why can’t they be content to simply ‘report’ the news, instead of being so consumed with being a ‘part’ of the news?

    No wags of the tail on this one.

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