In its August 1st edition, the Post editorial is headed “Lancaster Newspapers Steals from Itself.” In reference to the reproduction of an Intelligencer Journal article in the New Era and vice versa, it states “It is called ‘plagiarism,’ but let us call it what it really is: stealing.”

WATCHDOG: The most recent Webster Unabridged Dictionary defines plagiarism as “The unauthorized use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and the representation of them as one’s own original work.” Since both the Intell and the New Era have common ownership, the dual use of an article is clearly authorized. And unless a byline was given to a reporter for an article previously published and not written by the reporter, there is no misrepresentation.

What the Post charges is stealing, others would view as legitimate economizing.

Updated: May 8, 2009 — 4:27 pm