Editorial “NCAA sanctions on Penn State” points out:

“Commonwealth Court not only upheld a state law that seeks to ensure that the $60 million penalty the university was assessed stays in Pennsylvania, but questioned the validity of the controversial consent decree itself…

Judge Anne Covey, writing for the majority, questioned whether the NCAA ‘acted in accordance with its constitution and bylaws.’”

The editors conclude “When the sanctions were imposed in July 2012, there seemed to be the general feeling that they were ‘strong medicine’ but necessary for an ailing football team and university.

“Now it looks as though the sanctions were the wrong remedy.”

WATCHDOG: At the time, had the editors bother to do what NewsLanc’s editor did which was to go on line and read the NCAA’s constitution and bylaws, they could have come to that conclusion as we did shortly after the travesty occurred.

As we recall, the one person who got it right at the Lancaster Newspapers was Mike Gross, then assistant sports editor, who decried the NCAA ruling.



  1. One of the few times Mike Gross wrote anything worth reading.

  2. I see (Sports where the town of State College wants to place a new statue of Joe downtown… would evidently be sculpted in a way to reflect no direct reference to PSU; but to acknowledge the good he did for the town itself. Probably too soon for even this to be well received outside of State College itself.

    EDITOR: Too soon for the public to recognize that JoePa had very little if any responsibility for Jerry Sandusky’s actions? Many resent that Paterno was a powerful figure at Penn State. He promptly reported what he had been told to the proper authorities. There has been no evidence indicating that he sought to obstruct or discourage the investigation. Blaming Paterno was Gov. Tom Corbetts way of distracting public opinion from his “slow walking” of the Sandusky investigation. NewsLanc had the story right from the get go.

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