EditorialUpcoming visit by Obama ex-pastor” opines:

“Before damning the nation, Wright criticizes the United States for putting American Indians on reservations, Americans of Japanese descent in prison camps during World War II and black Americans in slavery. He speaks of other unfair treatment of black Americans, including the 1932-72 Tuskegee syphilis experiment, which is rightly demonized as a racist medical experiment that denied needed treatment to its subjects…

“Perhaps his visit to Lancaster will reveal a new man who has moved on from the bitter anger and hatred of his 2003 speech. Perhaps the election and re-election of Barack Obama have restored his faith in this nation, given him hope and, even, led him to remove the curse he cast at his fellow citizens.

“We live in a new era. Will there be a new man? Or a new message?

WATCHDOG: Two wags of the tail for a scholarly and thoughtful editorial.
