EditorialDissent a form of patriotism” relates:

The Fayette County school district had been enforcing a rule that all students must stand for the pledge. Those who didn’t were subject to disciplinary action….

“But dissent is a form of patriotism — some say the highest form of patriotism.

“By supporting a rule that stifles dissent, the school board is unwittingly disrespecting the American flag.
“And it likely will end up costing Brownsville Area taxpayers even more of their hard-earned money.”

WATCHDOG: Three wags of the tail!    It was only several decades that the words “Under God” were inserted in The Pledge of Allegiance. We ommit those words when ever we stand to give the Pledge, not out of a lack of religion but in recognition of the principle that there should be a separation of state and church.
