Editorial “Bringing back Pa. helmet law” reports “This time, proponents cite a 2008 study by two University of Pittsburgh faculty members who compared statistics from the two years before the repeal and the first two years after the repeal. The two found that head injury deaths increased 66 percent and cycle-related head injury increased 78 percent.

“Rep. Dan Frankel (D-Allegheny), prime sponsor of the legislation, said at a news conference on Monday that the increase in deaths and injuries “ought to be enough to admit the 2003 repeal was a mistake.”…

“Should motorcycle riders wear helmets at all times? Of course they should. But, this is something each rider (21 and over) should decide for himself or herself.”…
WATCHDOG: Growl! According to the New Era’s editor(s) reasoning, traffic signals and speed limits should also be eliminated.   They too infringe on the right of motorists to “decide for himself or herself.” It isn’t just the individual motorcyclist who is involved.   It is heath and social service costs and the tragic emotional and financial impact on the family and loved ones of the injured or dead cyclist.  Because it is optional, not wearing a helmet has become a ‘matcho’ thing to do.    Bring back the helmet law …. Not just for those under 21, but for all cyclists!
