Lancaster City should learn from Lititz

For several years as a Lancaster County tax payer, I attended dozens of meetings prior to the approval and building of the Lancaster County Convention Center.

I have closely followed this project since its inception. It must be said that the project has been grossly misrepresented to the public and the public is paying for it.

Back in the late 1990’s, Convention Centers nationwide were a concept designed by lawmakers to generate revenue and revitalize cities in need. While that may have been true for other localities, it NEVER made sense for Lancaster City and Lancaster County.

Lancaster City and Lancaster County did not need a Convention Center! The city was on its way to revitalization, investors were literally pushed aside as a few GREEDY “shoved the convention center” onto a landmark plot in the center of a charming, historic city. Lancaster City needed a group of investors with a vision to create a vibrant downtown similar to what has been done in Lititz!

But that was not done in downtown Lancaster.   Now the taxpaying public is burdened with substantial debt at the mercy of the projects lenders. It appears the Lancaster County Convention Center will end up like the one in Springfield, Mass., with a hotel and convention center going bankrupt and a company with interest like Peter Pan Bus Lines buying it for 25 cents on the dollar!!!

In October I voiced the following suggestions at a Lancaster County Commissioners meeting:

1. Per other cities, hotel owners should charge the bed tax on the full room rate, not on any discount or complimentary rates. Hundreds of thousands of dollars in uncollected taxes are being lost.

2. Renegotiate with Penn Square Partners to pay at least 25% for food services instead of the unheard amount of 5% they are currently paying. Nationally, the going rate for this service is 30% to 40%.  A past Lancaster County Convention Center Authority board agreed to the existing 5%, never listening to public input.

3. Shop around and move the bonds from Wells Fargo if allowed. The Broker who presented this option to the board was questioned by several concerned taxpayers familiar with this type of financing  who forewarned the board of the danger of this type of debt. The warnings fell on deaf ears.

My business moves me all over Lancaster County. Lancaster City elected officials, Lancaster County elected officials, City residents as well as County residents cannot just look back at the Greed and Deaf Ears of a few. We need to look at communities in this County that got together WITHOUT TAXPAYERS picking up the tab.   They were  creative, listening, and accepting  of RESIDENTS ideas and investments.   Citizens who want to UNITE instead of DIVIDE.

Put aside the PERSONAL Agendas and travel to Lititz.  Take a walk and see what the residents, investors and officials have done and are doing.

Lancaster City is the HUB of this great County, it is the County Seat and is owned by ALL of us, not just a few. Yes, it has a population of 50,000 plus.  Yes, there are investors at work, but it is SPOT investing.  I cannot see the VISION of the WHOLE.

When will GREED be put behind us and what is best for the community be in the forefront? Sadly, probably never.
