Kudos to the New York Times

As we will discuss tomorrow in a book review, the changes taking place in Asia, Africa and South America should not be perceived as long term threats to the USA and our way of life and those of future generations.

But events in the Ukraine are threatening, because the power that is most likely to bring about a nuclear holocaust is wielded by Russian President Vladimir Putin and he and his henchmen are i intent on gaining control of the Ukraine and expanding and projecting Russian power into Central Europe.

When we troll for news concerning the Ukraine, we can only find a single reliable American source with reporters on the ground offering almost real time reporting. That source is the New York Times.

Only the Times, with is public minded ownership, is willing to lavishly spend to maintain reporters throughout the world. Just about everything else we read is put together by arm chair editors, many with little knowledge of history, who are providing third hand reports, often based on news agencies such as Reuters who are secondary sources.

For the sake of our country and the Free World, let’s pray that the New York Times remains in safe and reliable hands.


1 Comment

  1. I have found more and better coverage from social media than the Times. Social media is faster and far more current.

    I also believe the Ukrainian people know their history better than the Times because they lived it and the Times only read about it.

    As for Putin, I am far more concerned about India, Pakistan, North Korea, Iran and terrorists than Putin when it comes to atomic destruction. Yes, Putin wants to recreate the Soviet Union but it’s not likely.

    By all means read the Times. My motto is trust but verify. To paraphrase Albert Einstein, God has better things to do than save the Times.

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