Kudos to LNP for publishing NYT article re Kathleen Kane

There it is, three normal columns wide and at the top of the front page – the New York Times’ article that LNP headed “No Surrender”. The NYT coverage is by and large supportive of the Pennsylvania Attorney General, contrary to the premature and strident call for her resignation by LNP editors.

(Perhaps due to licensing restrictions, the article does not appear on the LNP web site except in the e-edition.)

NewsLanc excerpted key portions of the article yesterday under the eaerlier title: “NEW YORK TIMES: Kathleen Kane, Pennsylvania Attorney General, Fights for Her Political Life” The current NYT web site heading is “Scandal’s Web Trips Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane.”

LNP should not have ‘piled on’ by calling for Kane’s resignation before more facts were available. They of all people should have sensed that something was wrong when the Philadelphia Daily News trashed journalistic ethics and traditions by outing Kane whom they contended was a source of confidential grand jury information. LNP editors also should have smelled a rat when they saw what a big deal was being made of it when leaks occur all the time and are the bread and butter of the media.

As so often is reported in national surveys, Pennsylvania government is one of the most corrupt in the country. Therefore Kane, not a part of the ‘ole boy network’, is a threat not just to Tom Corbett, but also to Ed Rendall and even Tom Wolf… and certainly to disreputable Pennsylvania Supreme Court justices.

Perhaps the NYT article will be the turning point. People will see that Kane, although inexperienced and not perfect, was the subject of a vast conspiracy by members of both political parties to thwart her efforts.

As is pretty much implied by the NYT article, the charges against her are frivolous. So her adversaries seek to replace her before allowing her to be tried in public by a jury or by the senate through an impeachmenet process.

The current end run by the Senate to bring her down is a mockery of constituional law.

Kane is learning as she goes. Restore her law license, permit her to fire the hold over Republican deputies who have been used to undermined her, and let her then do her job.

If she can’t ‘clean the stable’, she can at least inhibit further abuses of the public trust.


1 Comment

  1. Can you be certain that LNP has any sense of what journalistic ethics and traditions are?

    After all, they are perfectly content to feed at the public trough, they are perfectly content to NOT challenge the apparent corruption within Lancaster County government.

    They never question anything that comes from the Mayor’s or Police Chief’s office,…..and on, and on, and on.

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