Keisling: Voters wanted an unpolished outsider, and with Kane that’s what they got

By Bill Keisling

Spanner in the works

Spanner in the works

Kathleen Kane: A spanner in the works

Let’s not forget what propelled Kane to statewide office: voters, nationally and in Pennsylvania, want to send outsiders in to shake things up.

by Bill Keisling

Last week Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane stepped before a podium in the state capitol building in Harrisburg and delivered one of the most memorable press conferences in years.

Reporters in the room nearly all expected Kane to say one thing: that she was resigning.

Instead, Kane took the microphone and told the press corps, which has thrown all objectivity overboard and aligned against her, in not so many words, “Up yours!”

Kane addressing old boy reporters club 8-13-15

Kathleen Kane addressing the old boy reporters club 8-13-15

She said she’d broken no laws, and would not resign.

Her legal troubles, she said, had been manufactured by a cadre of insiders and old boys, aided by their ethically challenged lapdog state newspaper reporters — many of whom, by the way, were sitting at this very news conference.

Many of these same men, she charged, had spent years on the state payroll chuckling over pornographic emails when they should have been going after Jerry Sandusky.

Kane’s main point was that she was doing the job voters elected her to do, and that there was no reason she should resign.

It was all quite delightful.

Kane’s press conference, I thought, was refreshing. It was certainly not your usual, sanitized press conference, hosted by a programmed politician.

It was something we’ve all been asking for: it was different.

Kane’s statement certainly was defiant and, some have complained, shrill, even ill considered, and off point.

But all those criticisms themselves are beside the point.

Many old hands have complained that Kane was not acting as a polished insider. But that’s precisely the point.

It helps to remember what put Kane in office, and why.

Kane after all did not run for state attorney general as a polished and experienced insider who was there to smooth things out, and cover things up.

To the contrary, state voters widely suspected that the polished insiders already in office — Gov. Tom Corbett had his cronies — for years had ignored the Jerry Sandusky child rape scandal, and God knows what else, so that they could skate to higher office.

When Kane ran for office in 2012, Gov. Corbett had hand picked another insider old boy for the attorney general’s job: Cumberland County DA David Freed. Freed himself was the son-in-law of another old boy insider, former state AG Roy Zimmerman.

In that election voters clearly wanted an outsider to come in and shake things up.

Kane is, and was meant to be, what the British would call “A spanner in the works.” That is, a monkey wrench tossed into the machine to stop its ceaseless and mindless churning and turning. To stop business as usual.

And that’s precisely what Kane has done. In the process, she’s driven the old boys in Pennsylvania government, the courts, and in the backwater state press, nuts. As she was supposed to do.

All this is bad news for insiders, like the pack reporters who filled the Kane press conference, and all others who spout conventional wisdom.

And we should expect more of this from voters, if what’s going on in national politics today is any indication.

As I write, two leaders for the Republican nomination for president are Donald Trump, a blunt-speaking reality show host, and a brain surgeon, Dr. Ben Carson.

On any given day, polls say, Trump and Carson are leaving their programmed and polished professional politician opponents in the dust.

A few days before Kane’s Pennsylvania press conference, Trump impoliticly and outrageously complained that a Fox News broadcaster had “blood coming out of her wherever.” (So there’s an element of political incorrectness and even misogyny at work.)

A few days later, Trump declared, “I wouldn’t care” if Ukraine entered NATO. “If (Ukraine) goes in, great. If it doesn’t go in, great.”

So much for traditional strategic thinking.

Trump then revealed he doesn’t have a military adviser. This, from a man who could find his finger on the nuclear button in a year and a half.

Yet Trump’s standing in the polls keeps rising. And yahoo voters by the droves seem to approve.

Who needs a military adviser? Who needs a speechwriter? Who needs political advisers? Just look at the mess all those insiders have gotten us into!

Voters, nationally and in Pennsylvania, clearly want to send unpolished outsiders in to shake things up.

Trump is “overwhelming” national journalism, traditional insider journalists complain. Insider reporters simply don’t know how to lay a glove on him.

In Pennsylvania — right or wrong, guilt or innocence aside — the same is very much true with Kathleen Kane.

Longtime state Democratic strategist Tony May appropriately hints at a backlash should insiders succeed in removing Kane from office, without so much as a trial, using insider tricks of the old boy network.

“Why should all of this matter to the average voter?” May asks.

“Because whether a criminal conspiracy exists or not – and it is a lot to ask of people to believe that such a widespread cabal does – there is a widespread network of voices calling on Kane to step down or some official action be taken to remove her from office before criminal adjudication of guilt or innocence.

“In other words, these individuals are calling for the nullification of the votes of more than 3 million citizens who elected Kane.”

There are a lot more outsiders where Kathleen Kane came from, and voters clearly are tired of business as usual.

Voters are tired not only of the insider old boys club, but the old media, insider reporters who want to see Kane gone without so much as a legal hearing.

They want to throw a spanner in the works.

In that respect, unlike many politicians these days, Kathleen Kane has kept her promise to voters: she has shaken things up.



  1. The idiot judge in Montgomery County by issuing gag orders has set it up that if she tries to defend herself she is breaking the gag order and retaliating against “witnesses.”

    People in Montgomery CTY should be asking why are our resources being wasted on this and what is this judge doing, just how corrupt is he?

  2. You are all so gullible. She is heavily involved in Wyoming County Part Politics. Just because she isn’t from Philadelphia or Pittsburgh, doesn’t make here clean.

    She is being attacked for attempting to influence the corruption trials of 54 Philadelphia Democratic law makers. After she said th e cases were not prosecutable, Democratic DA Seth Williams persued them to a conviction.

    EDITOR: Worthy comment concerning her shortcomings that will bear on her re-election chances. But the charge is leaking grand jury information.

  3. Someone is so gullible; she didn’t try to influence the trials, she said the prosecution had been botched and, if the Philadelphia prosecutors wanted to go to trial, then they could [but] she just wasn’t going to be involved in it.

    BTW, where is the number 54 from? I’ve read of 6 so far or is someone leaking grand jury information?

    We all know the Corbett creeps only prosecuted Democrats, probably why Kane looked at the whole caseload she inherited from the Corbett cronies with disdain.

  4. Here are some of your progressive tactics (see rules for radicals ) right back at you.

    I find the use of the term “old boys” offensive. Educated people don’t use such hateful, anti-misogynistic terms. Ms. Kane is acting like a miserable bitc*.

    No one is supporting her foolish defense of her obvious criminal activities. She is isolated. No one in there right mind would support her. The only thing she can do is quit.

    EDITOR: Losers quit when the going gets rough but they believe themselves to be in the right. Quitting is precisely what those attacking Kathleen Kane are hoping she will do. They win; she loses.

    We don’t quite understand why “old boy network”, a term that connotes special self serving relationships among long time associates and today would be inclusive of males and females, is “hateful, anti-misogynistic”, but we do believe that your calling Kathleen Kane a female dog is about a misogynistic as you can get.

  5. Attorney General Kathleen Kane needs to step down while being investigated. To me you’re the top prosecutor in our state and you’re being investigated, seems like a conflict of interest. Even our wonderful leader asked her too. There will be others that will step up. I am sorry this does matter. This is a distraction to her job, guilty or not guilty. She needs to do the right thing.

    EDITOR: Are we to have ‘Re-call’ by indictment? A Republican accuses, a Republican prosecutor, a Republican District Attorney and a Republican judge? Think of the precedents this sets.

    She wasn’t accused of doing something to benefit herself. Moreover, there is a strong likelihood that she will be acquitted. The case may never even be brought to trial.

    This is very much a two edge sword.

    We especially welcome a discussion on this point.

  6. I support her defense because I find her more credible than Corbett cronies with porno on their state computers.

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