Kathleen Kane to CNN: ‘Deplorable’ porn emails had kids, elderly women, sexual violence

PENNLIVE: Some of the pornographic emails that were exchanged among state government officials in a scandal that has claimed some of their jobs involved children and violent sexual acts against women, the state attorney general said Tuesday.

Attorney General Kathleen Kane said in an interview televised Tuesday night on CNN the images are “deplorable.”

“When I saw them they literally took my breath away,” Kane said. “And they are deplorable: hardcore, graphic, sometimes violent emails that had a string of videos and pictures depicting sometimes children, old women. Some of them involved violent sexual acts against women.”… (more)

EDITOR: One has to wonder whether departmental lax attitudes concerning child abuse contributed to the so called “slow walk” of the Jerry Sandusky investigation during the Tom Corbett years as Attorney General. Is this the type of disclosure Corbett was trying to avoid when he sought to be ‘holier than thou’ by leading the charge to fire Coach Joe Paterno?


1 Comment

  1. Um, you left out a few “facts” in your quest for “sensationalism”.


    EDITOR: Thank you for bringing the Morning Call article to our attention. It is now both posted and featured.

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