Kathleen Kane ready for job not foreign to her

SCRANTON TIMES-TRIBUNE:  …She won by a lopsided though still unofficial 14.5 percentage points. She piled up more than three million votes, a rarity in state elections. She also earned substantially more votes than the two far better known names leading the ticket, President Barack Obama and U.S. Sen. Bob Casey.

A deputy attorney general and investigators will be assigned to look into the handling of the [Sandusky]  case.

“I will also be very involved in it. We’ll go back and we’ll look at the case notes, we’ll look at the emails, we’ll look at the phone logs, we’ll look at the grand jury testimony, all of it. We’ll read all the police reports, we’ll talk to the police officers, we’ll talk to the deputies, we’ll talk to the agents just like any other investigation,” she said. “It’s got to be thorough, it’s got to be thoughtful.”…  (more)


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  1. New sheriff in town.

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