Kane’s Sandusky probe may have twist ending

PHILADELPHIA DAILY NEWS COLUMN: [Attorney General Kathleen Kane’s] campaign pledge to conduct a full review of the state’s handling of the case, why it took so long and, by implication, whether then-Attorney General Tom Corbett tinkered with it to assist his run for governor, got tons of attention.

If she is viewed as holding it over him during his re-election bid or (if she finds anything) timing release for maximum impact on his re-election, she’s seen as playing politics and any findings become suspect…

And since most folks are more than willing to believe the worst about politicians, it’s just as likely voters who think Corbett played politics with Sandusky will think Kane played politics with Corbett… (more)

EDITOR: We have lost a lot of respect for Kane due to the delay in reporting on Corbett’s role in the Sandusky investigation. If in almost two years she cannot turn up evidence of dereliction or misfeasance, she should say so and drop the matter. If there is evidence, let’s see it. After all, how can Corbett be accused of dragging his feet for two and a half years in investigating Sandusky if it takes Kane as long to investigate Corbett?


1 Comment

  1. Kudo’s to Newslanc for seeing the light. As best I can tell Kane is just another political hack plus she hired a former investigator who whitewashed the WACO / Branch Dividian fiasco back in the 90’s. Ouch.

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