Kane says Justice Eakin exchanged porn emails on state servers

PHILADELPHIA DAILY NEWS: Attorney General Kathleen G. Kane said Thursday she had evidence that a sitting Supreme Court justice – quickly identified by her staff as J. Michael Eakin – had sent and received “racial, misogynistic pornography” on state computers…

This is the second time allegedly pornographic email has threatened to envelop the high court in scandal. Last year, Justice Seamus McCaffery, a Democrat, retired after he was found to have exchanged more than 200 pornographic emails through state computer servers. He used a personal email address to exchange porn with others, including an employee of the Attorney General’s Office.

“The images themselves aren’t the only story,” Kane said. “The problem is the network that’s involved, and the breadth of this network is incredible. This network is judges, U.S. attorneys, attorneys general, law enforcement, district attorneys, and public defenders.”… (more)


1 Comment

  1. One of our esteemed Supreme Court Justices engaging in inappropriate use of state e-mails and now we know in addition to their willingness to ruin Kane to protect their reputations they are part of a conspiracy engaging in an illegal prosecution of Kane. So we find out that Corbett and his cronies didn’t have time to prosecute Sandusky because they were busy with porn and now we find out the judicial branch of PA is corrupt and engaging in conduct that doesn’t befit their office because they don’t want us to find out about their porn.

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