Kane ruling highlights concerns with lack of special prosecutor law

SCRANTON TIMES-TRIBUNE: Three of the five justices agreed with one of the defense’s key arguments — that special prosecutor Thomas Carluccio was given too much power. Yet it made no difference in the outcome of the case…

In a concurring opinion, Justice Baer said he deemed the violation was harmless because Ms. Kane, if she is charged, will be afforded the opportunity to challenge the case at later proceedings. That would be of little consolation to Ms. Kane as the damage would already be done to her political career, Mr. Minora said.

“After she gets arrested and after she can’t win re-election and has lost all the things other people in the state of Pennsylvania have, we can fix that later. I don’t even know how to address that,”Mr. Minora said… (more)

EDITOR: There we have the whole point. This is a frivolous accusation and abuse of the Grand Jury system for vendetta and political purposes.
