Kane rightly ends ‘Florida loophole’

SCRANTON TIMES-TRIBUNE: Pennsylvania and Florida have had an agreement since 2001, under which each state government recognized the other’s concealed-carry permits for firearms…

The absurdity of reciprocal recognition without common standards was brought into sharp focus in Philadelphia in 2010. Marqus Hill of Philadelphia, who had been denied a concealed carry permit in 2006 and lost his appeal in 2008, obtained one from Florida in 2009. Then, in 2010, he fired 13 shots into and killed a teenager who, Mr. Hill claimed, had broken into his car. He is serving an eight-to-20-year prison sentence…

Attorney General Kathleen Kane’s decision to do so – honoring only Florida concealed-carry permits issued to Florida residents – is in itself a modest measure. It won’t resolve gun violence by itself. But, like the long overdue recent decision to include Pennsylvania’s database of 600,000 mental health records in the national database for gun-buyer background checks, it is momentum toward a more rational culture regarding guns…  (more)


1 Comment

  1. A small win for the right side!

    why don’t we have reciprocal agreements to honor medical marijuana prescriptions?!

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