Attorney General Kane now investigating Harrisburg incinerator deal

HARRISBURG PATRIOT-NEWS: Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane is now looking into possible criminal activity associated with the Harrisburg incinerator deal…

[Dauphin County District Attorney Ed Marsico] referred to Kane “issues regarding the Harrisburg incinerator, including the recent hearings before the Senate,” but would not elaborate on specifics.

He said he made the referral for two reasons: to avoid the appearance of a conflict of interest because he has had “political or professional” relationships with various people involved in the incinerator deal and because “the Attorney General has the resources to conduct such investigations.”… (more)

EDITOR: Old adage: “You lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas.” NewsLanc was aware of the story yesterday and Bill Keisling will report on it with fuller details and commentary within the next few days.


1 Comment

  1. ‘I welcome the news that the Pennsylvania Attorney General’s office is finally investigating the Harrisburg incinerator deal. I have long called for such an investigation and thought it should be conducted and concluded before the asset is transferred from control of the Harrisburg Authority. That is clearly not going to happen. But, learning who knew what and when they knew it, as well as who did what and why they did it, is critical to understanding who bears what share of responsibility. The residents of Harrisburg deserve answers and I applaud the Attorney General for trying to provide them.’

    EDITOR: The above is from Harrisburg Controller and Mayoral candidate Dan Miller.

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