Kane case no slam dunk, defense attorneys say

SHARON HERALD: …Williamsport defense attorney Cliff Rieders said that prosecutors might have a difficult time demonstrating that she intended to break the law…

Attorney James Swetz said Kane has room to defend herself “despite the public hysteria.”

Swetz, the immediate past president of the Pennsylvania Association of Criminal Defense Attorneys, said he glanced over the court documents spelling out the accusations against Kane, and he believes there are opportunities to attack the prosecution’s case… (more)


1 Comment

  1. Doesn’t have to be a slam dunk; to most of the public an indictment is a conviction. Informed people know it is just a vendetta from Fina because he was caught with his porno stash. But the spectacle of public arraignment and finger printing, that’s all they wanted. Now if she is vindicated when she runs for re-election they’ll just keep running the videos of her arraignment.

    Both parties do it, Gov. Blagojevich is in Federal prison because after Obama vacated the Senate seat they wanted to hand pick his replacement and Blago wasn’t going to play. Now he pays. And that was the war-mongering wing of the Democratic Party going after a Democratic governor. Illinois is full of that wing, they even have Rahmbo Emmanuel in as mayor of Chicago to run that machine.

    If Kathleen had just left their porno stashes alone and gone with the PSU set up to hide Corbett’s corruption in the Sandusky case they probably would have left her alone.

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