Justice David Souter’s address at Harvard

Justice David H. Souter left the Supreme Court nearly a year ago without really saying goodbye…

So it was with a mixture of relief and something close to joy that I listened last week to David Souter’s commencement address at Harvard, his undergraduate and law school alma mater, which awarded him an honorary degree. (I was in the audience as a member of Harvard’s Board of Overseers; like the thousands of others seated at the outdoor gathering, I had no idea what to expect.) …

But for those who care about the Supreme Court, Justice Souter served up some rich fare: his own vision of the craft of constitutional interpretation and a defense of the need for judges to go beyond the plain text — what he called the “fair-reading model” — and make choices among the competing values embedded in the Constitution. Doing this was neither judicial activism nor “making up the law,” he said; rather, it was the unavoidable “stuff of judging,” and to suppose otherwise was to “egregiously” miss the point of what constitutional law is about…

Click here to read the full article.
