Judge hearing Sandusky’s appeal orders information on grand jury leaks

POST GAZETTE: …A hearing on a routine appeal by the former Penn State University assistant football coach grew into something else when a judge ordered Ms. Kane’s office to provide emails and other information about the Sandusky investigation, which the former coach contends was tainted and unfair…

The order came a day after Ms. Kane claimed in a statement that there had been a “reckless breach of sealed Supreme Court documents, orchestrated by the presiding judge of a state investigative grand jury, with attorneys and the very reporters who have covered some of the Sandusky, Computergate, and Bonusgate cases.”…

Responding to an article this week in The Inquirer, Ms. Kane cited emails between former grand jury Judge Barry Feudale and two Philadelphia Inquirer reporters… (more)


1 Comment

  1. I liked how the Pennsylvania Radio was reporting this like Kane had done something wrong. I know everyone has short attention spans but Kane wasn’t even in office when Sandusky was arrested, it was Corbett’s sock puppet AG who orchestrated the whole thing so they could take down the administration at PSU.

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