Jon Huntsman: Benghazi, Susan Rice Criticism Overblown

HUFFINGTON POST:   Former Republican presidential candidate Jon Huntsman on Monday urged lawmakers, including those in his own party, to temper their criticism of the administration’s handling of the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya.

Huntsman, who served as U.S. ambassador to China under President Barack Obama, said that it would have been nearly impossible for authorities to instantly obtain accurate intelligence about who was responsible for the September attack, which resulted in the death of four officials. Because of that, he said, recent criticism of U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice for not immediately declaring the attack an act of terror was either politically motivated or misplaced.

“The issue of Benghazi, I think you can attribute to the fog of war, more than anything else,” Huntsman said in an interview with The Huffington Post. “When you’re in a wartime setting and you have an attack like that — let’s face it. No one is prepared for an attack like that. There is, as Robert McNamara used to say, there is a fog of war. And it takes awhile to sort through the details. And it doesn’t do a whole lot of good for the political class to point fingers before you even know what was behind it. And you’re not going to know that [immediately].”…  (more)


1 Comment

  1. Wow, a republican serving as an ambassador to a democratic president believes the presidents line. Who would have thunk it.

    Rice knew, or should have known the facts. She had no business perpetuating a falsehood to millions of Americans. If she was misled so badly she should have resigned since it is obvious the administration does not respect her.

    She was a patsy.

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