Jindal: GOP Must Stop Being ‘Stupid Party’

NEWSMAX:  …In the keynote address at the Republican National Committee’s winter meeting, [Louisiana Gov. Bobby] Jindal said the GOP doesn’t need to change its values but “might need to change just about everything else we are doing.”…

GOP strategist Ari Fleischer suggested that his party could learn an important lesson from Democrats on messaging: “Republicans talk policy and Democrats talk people. Republicans can learn a little bit from Democrats on how to make those people connections with our policies.”…

“Today’s conservatism is completely wrapped up in solving the hideous mess that is the federal budget, the burgeoning deficits, the mammoth federal debt, the shortfall in our entitlement programs,” [Jindal] said. “We seem to have an obsession with government bookkeeping. This is a rigged game, and it is the wrong game for us to play.”…  (more)
