Jimmy Savile Police Report: He Abused Hundreds Of People Over Six Decades

HUFFINGTON POST / REUTERS: -The late British TV presenter Jimmy Savile, honoured by both the queen and the pope, sexually assaulted hundreds of people, mainly children, at BBC premises and hospitals over six decades of unparalleled abuse, a police-led report said on Friday…

The youngest victim was an 8-year-old boy, and the last of the 214 offences of which he is suspected took place just two years before his death in 2011 at the age of 84…

A one-time professional wrestler, Savile became famous as a pioneering DJ in the 1960s before becoming a regular fixture on TV hosting prime-time pop and children’s shows until the 1990s…  (more)

EDITOR: This is a Jerry Sandusky type figure.  Like Penn State University, the BBC for whom Savile worked has been subject to much criticism, top executive turn over, and penalties.

Earlier today, a lady interviewed on the BBC said she was seduced by Savile when she was thirteen years old.  Considering the celebrity he was, she saw it as something to gleefully share with her girl friends, not to report to authorities.   She added that times have changed and, if this occurred to her daughter, she would  go straight to the police.



1 Comment

  1. Quick, somebody tell the NCAA!

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