James Street Improvement District Survey

The following was received from Lisa Riggs, President, James Street Improvement District.

The James Street Improvement District (www.jsidlancaster.org) is wrapping up its 5th year of operation. As part of passing this important milestone, we’d like to gather feedback and opinions on the role and effectiveness of our organization. We have created an on-line survey of approximately 30 questions (or about 5 minutes of time).

We are hoping for broad participation in this survey, from people who work with us on a daily basis to others who may have had little to no interaction with our offices or activities.

Please click on the attached link (hold the control button and then click on the link) to enter the survey. We also greatly appreciate your help in forwarding this link to friends, colleagues and neighbors. We will be collecting responses to the survey throughout the month of June and hope to report on the results in late Summer/early Fall.

Thank you in advance for your participation.

Survey Link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=STO1tyZujaLzec5_2fFfhyog_3d_3d
