It’s Nissley Vineyards vs. Perdue AgriBusiness over controversial processing plant for Lancaster County

HARRISBURG PATRIOT-NEWS: …Just up Route 441 in the shadows of the Lancaster County trash incinerator a vacant field represents the future of another Pennsylvania power crop – soybean oil and its other byproducts. But the nearly $60 million Perdue Agribusiness plant that would store and process up to 17.5 million bushels annually of Pennsylvania’s bumper crop of soybeans isn’t so natural, some say.

Instead of pressurizing or steaming the soybeans to unleash the precious oil that’s used in the snack food industry and for biodiesel fuel, the plant would incorporate a gasoline-like chemical solvent known as hexane. The plant would turn the soybeans into “flakes” and then use the hexane — along with steam from the trash incinerator next door — to “wash out” the soy oil…

Still, the entire project – coupled with its proximity to the trash incinerator — doesn’t sit well with Judy Nissley and a contingent of plant opponents across the Susquehanna – and downwind – in York County. Nissley has been funding various studies to marshal facts with which to confront Perdue officials and question state Department of Environment Protection agency regulators reviewing the project… (more)


1 Comment

  1. There are very few activists in Lancaster. It’s not their style to go up against the powers that be. Look at the blow back on the ridiculous Millersville graduation article that was filled with lies and exaggeration. People are still writing letters to the editor about the disrespect that barely happened.

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