It’s a small world!

(Tongue in cheek)

A NewsLanc reporter traveled this week to Hungary and Croatia on his daytime job and found many similarities:

  • Laws are made, altered or circumvented to meet the requirements of the power elite.
  • Projects take place because funding is made available by the State or the European Union, not for priority of need. Honest competitors are threatened and thwarted.
  • Private investments of merit that fail to line the pockets of the rich and powerful are obstructed.
  • Government agencies are co-opted by those they are meant to control.
  • Stooges are appointed to positions of importance while real control is exercised by special interests and their political allies.
  • Board members hear, see, speak against no evil.
  • Government expenditures far exceed revenue.
  • The rich circumvent taxes.
  • Newspapers slant their coverage to serve their owners’ and advertisers’ business interests.

In short, NewsLanc’s reporter felt right at home!
