It’s no joke to toke: Medical marijuana is about health

By Patriot-News Editorial Board

“The witty headlines last week about New Jersey’s legalization of medical marijuana masked an important fact: The legislation is the toughest in the nation in terms of regulation, and it could serve as a valuable model for the Keystone State.

“The bill limits the growth and distribution of marijuana to six centers throughout New Jersey. In other words, forget growing marijuana in your backyard like some do in California.

“The Garden State also wants to ban medical marijuana from most public places. Even if you have the required photo ID card to use it, you are prohibited from consuming it (in whatever form) anywhere on school grounds, public transport, in moving vehicles of any sort and anywhere smoking is banned.

“Another departure from the norm is that New Jersey’s legislation spells out specifically the kinds of ailments marijuana can be prescribed for (such as multiple sclerosis, AIDS, cancer and Lou Gehrig’s disease), and that patients can get no more than two ounces a month.

“The state is sending a clear message: This is for true medical situations and should be consumed in limited quantities in the home or medical facilities….”
