Is the difference between liberals and conservatives in the brain?


USA Today is reporting that researchers at University College London found that liberals tend to have a larger anterior cingulate cortex, while conservatives have a larger amygdala.

Based on what’s known about the roles of these two areas of the brain, the structural differences are consistent with previous studies that found liberals are better able to cope with conflicting information and are more open to new experiences, while conservatives are better able to recognize a threat and more anxious when faced with uncertainty, according to team leader Ryota Kanai and colleagues.

The study appears online April 7 in the journal Current Biology….

Click here to read the full article.

EDITOR: The above sheds a lot of light onto why a great proportion of the population so readily accepts myths over evidence.



  1. Yes. Liberals have brains. Conservatives don’t.

  2. Also sheds light onto why so many are recognizing the threat and uncertainty facing this country!!!!

    Others are like lemmings….they’ll follow any leader anywhere.

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