Is President Obama’s lack of popularity a myth?

According to the Rasmussen on November 15th:

“The Rasmussen Report’s daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Saturday shows that 48% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Obama’s job performance. Fifty-one percent (51%) disapprove (see trends).

“The latest figures include 25% who Strongly Approve of the way Obama is performing as president and 39% who Strongly Disapprove.

Now take into consideration that Obama is not being:

1) compared to any Republican

2) disapproved of because he is either to conservative or too liberal.

3) of course Republicans would “strongly disapprove” That means nothing.

We suggest that President Obama may be the most popular president in the final two years of his tenure for many generations.

Let’s see a poll of likely voters choice between the President and any other republican want-a-be. It would be revealing.
