Ironically Trump may yet be the savior of the Republican Party

Article in Slate headed “Republican Support for Trump Surges but his Unfavorable Ratings are Also Rising” goes on to report:

“Donald Trump is not going away anytime soon. That much is clear from the latest Economist/YouGov poll of the 2016 Republican presidential hopefuls that claims support for the real estate magnate soared to 28 percent, up from 15 percent the previous week. That means more than twice the number of Republicans describe Trump as their first choice than former Florida Governor Jeb Bush, who is backed by 14 percent of Republicans, and Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, who has 13 percent support.

“ ‘There is clearly a core group of registered voters who identify as Republicans that has coalesced around Trump’s tough talk and proposals,’ notes YouGov. ‘He is even more clearly in first place than he was two weeks ago when Republicans are asked to choose among the current candidates.’”

“Yet it’s not all good news for Trump. Even as he solidifies his first-place slot among Republican contenders, his unfavorable ratings are on the rise. In the previous YouGov poll, Trump had the highest favorable ratings. In a week, the reality TV star has seen his favorable ratings drop 11 points to 53 percent and his unfavorable ratings rise 15 points to 42 percent. And despite the growing support, Republicans still don’t see him as the likely nominee and largely expect Bush will be the party’s candidate.”

From our youth we have been an admirer of Dwight Eisenhower, Richard Nixon almost to the end, and , Gerald Ford, and George H. W. Bush. (No, we did not admire Ronald Reagan although in retrospect there was more to him as a foreign policy visionary than someone with dopey ideas on economics.)

But Trump’s candidacy has made so apparent what we sensed and acted upon during the first years of court appointed George W. Bush; the party was being taken over by empty headed, self-obsessed, neo-conservatives ideologues.

His investors and creditors have been burnt again and again. His ‘daddy’ put him in business and bailed him out time and again. (Famously by purchasing $20 million in gambling chips at one of Trump’s hotels. Chips have first claim on assets, before all other debt.)

Make no mistake: It isn’t about what is good for the country. It is about what will draw the most attention to him. Apparently blowhard ‘Donald’ is still trying to prove himself. In ways Trump has not matured beyond a three year old.
