Iran cuts nuclear stockpile, IAEA says

ALJAZEERA: Iran has neutralized most of its stockpile of higher-grade enriched uranium that could be turned quickly into the core of a nuclear weapon, the U.N. nuclear agency said Friday, leaving the country with only about a fifth of what it would need for such a purpose.

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) said in a in a quarterly report that Iran now has less than 90 pounds of the material.

The report also said Tehran was meeting all other obligations under an agreement reached four months ago in Geneva that serves as a prelude to a comprehensive deal now being negotiated… (more)

EDITOR: If correct, the Administration’s approach to Iran with sanctions rather than military action, by the USA or Israel, has proven successful. Bill Clinton suggested that it takes a war to establish a president in history as being great.

Perhaps so, but thinking observers appreciate presidents that can achieve the nation’s goals without war.
