HUFFINGTON POST: The Interstate 5 Bridge over the Skagit River in Washington state collapsed around 7 p.m. on Thursday, dumping cars and people into the water, KIRO-TV reported…
One in nine of the nation’s bridges has been rated as structurally deficient, the American Society of Civil Engineers 2013 Report Card for America’s Infrastructure reported. The Seattle chapter of the ASCE awarded the state’s bridges a C- grade.
The Federal Highway Administration estimates that it would cost $20.5 billion a year to eliminate the country’s bridge deficient backlog by 2028… (more).
EDITOR: Whatever the immediate cause of this collapse, it is clear that we are living off the infrastructure investments of the past. Our nation’s wealth is being syphoned off into a broken health care system (and we don’t just mean Obama Care) and into senseless and tragic wars.
Expect to see more collapses.
Seriously? I heard potholes on I83 are the result of wasteful spending on federal entitlements.