Article “PAM, back with a bang: Pianists join percussionists for ‘Latin Fiesta’: reports”:

“The second concert in the 10-part series will be held Saturday at the Stahr Performing Arts Center.

” ‘Two-Piano & Percussion Latin Fiesta!’ features pianists Ioannis Potamousis and Ju-Ping Song and percussionists Steve Goss and James Armstrong.

“ ‘The rest of the concerts will be performed at a variety of locations through June. ‘There are three purposes for the concert series,’ Godfrey explains. ‘One is to show people we are still here and functioning. The second is to show people what we can do. Many of the performers are our faculty members. And third, we’d like to raise a little revenue for the academy.’”

WATCHDOG: Even when they were at risk of losing a couple of million dollars (which did not occur), the Steinman Trust and the Lancaster Newspapers were always fair in the support and coverage of  the Pennsylvania Academy of Music.  Unfortunately other parties who were supporters  have turned hostile, poisoning the atmosphere for the usual sources of funding for civic activities to provide essential funds.

As an example, recently a valuable violin gifted to PAM was seized by a former major supporter of the Academy.  We doubt the party knows have to play the fiddle.  Is it sheer, petty vitriol?   Is there no sense of shame?

Updated: February 26, 2011 — 11:28 pm