In “McCaskey eyes convention center to cope with large ’09 class, iffy weather”, the alternatives are stated as “…the center would accommodate 5,000 people, versus about 2,300 at the stadium and slightly more than 1,400 in the auditorium, plus 2,000 ‘overflow’ seats in the McCaskey gymnasium.”

It adds “With family members, friends, dignitaries and district officials added to the total, the crowd could exceed 4,000, [Suzanne] Anderson said.” Also pointed out “…sight lines in convention center, which has a flat floor, are worse than at the McCaskey venues, which have sloped seating, Anderson said.”

WATCHDOG: The stadium would provide the best setting for direct viewing, a better sense of participation, and greater comfort. Also there is ample free parking and an opportunity to buy a hot dog.

We agree with SD of L board member Charlie Crystal who suggests buying insurance against a rain out. If we can take a rain check for a baseball game, we can accept one for graduation ceremonies. And if we can sit through football games in all types of weather, we can suffer with a little drizzle to celebrate not having to worry about homework getting done. A wag of the tail for Crystal!



  1. Parking concerns will abound for the foreseeable future, both for vendors as well as attendees….a major concern that was never addressed in the preliminary thoughts, plans and the railroad job of PSP.

  2. Penn Square Partners (proposed Mariott hotel), not the convention center, was at odds with the School district back in 2005. The convention center has its own financial problems and is not in a position to give away free space to anyone.

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