In a letter under the heading “U. S. needs more nuclear power plants”, the writer states “A fringe group of environmentalists, combined with a movie, have somehow convinced our government and a large number of gullible citizens that nuclear power is evil when, in fact, it is the only real long-term solution to increasing America’s energy supply.”

WATCHDOG: Although we heartily agree that the “U. S. needs more nuclear power plants”, there is a big difference between the technology available today and what brought about the debacle at Three Mile Island. One of the problems in those days was that each plant was individually designed and custom built.

The writer of “The China Syndrome”, the movie presumably referred to above, is receptive to new nuclear plants designed in accordance with a single prototype and preferably operated by the Navy.

(Full disclosure: The writer, H. Michael Gray, and NewsLanc’s publisher Robert Field are chair and co-chair of Common Sense for Drug Policy.)

Updated: October 8, 2009 — 12:19 pm